Our free food pantry
Father and Son Ministries has a desire to serve, uplift and be a blessing to the body of Christ though love. The two commandments that Jesus gave in the New Testament are “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind” & “Love your neighbor as yourself”(Matthew 22:37-39).
Somehow, the body of Christ has forgotten the latter and as a result, the Church (us) is broken and separated. We have been called to break down the walls built by tradition and unite the Body with the love of Christ as well as encourage those who have been discouraged by its own members. We are all brothers and sisters and it is time we come together and take back the authority from the clutches of the enemy’s hands.​
In addition to feeding the community, we also take part in feeding the community physically. No matter the background, age, ethnicity, or gender, everyone is treated equally with the same respect and dignity you receive shopping at a local grocery store. God's Word says "Everything you do, do it heartily, as unto the Lord and not unto man"(Colossians 3:23). We believe in operating in the Spirit of excellence of the Lord, so there is attention to the smallest of details when you walk in. We want your spirit to be uplifted when you walk into the pantry so you are welcome to have a nice lunch, pray and receive your goods knowing that we genuinely love serving the Lord by serving you.
Our Story Began With A Brown Paper Bag
Our pantry is a testimony of how much God can bless those who are obedient to his Word. We began our journey feeding the community with bagged lunches to help families get through the summer. With kids being out of school, the savings could help families pay bills, plan a trip, or have a nice evening out. This was the beginning of our journey. . . .

We want to show people the love of christ just from giving . . . to serve the community and ask nothing from them
- Pastor CJ Johns Sr
Now a 501c3 Free Food Pantry!
From lunches to weekly meals, God has truly blessed us to grow into an amazing source for those in need of food, prayer, and assistance. Every Friday from 12pm-3pm our pantry is open for all to come. We don't check documents or have you register. Your word is good enough here at Father and Son love Worship Centre